j o u r n e y

I took my last trip to Boston yesterday. I was on a clinical trial in Boston. Sine August 2014. Today is the last time in a while I will be in Boston because the trial drug I was on stopped working. In other words, recurrence. I had began walking funny. Seeing things funny. Slurring my speech more. Taking more time to finish my sentence and my food. I counted the many dinners Remy and I had in Boston. A total of about 20. It was like commuting to Boston bi-monthly for work. We had figured out a routine of some sort. And now it’s over. We took a drive to Providence RI from Boston. A detour if you will, on our way back to New York. It was a gorgeous day out and Providence is a real treat to visit. We circled around at Brown and RISD and saw so many youngsters 10-15 years our junior seizing their lives ahead of them by going to college and I just can’t help but be glad that 10 calendars ago I was on the same journey. I have detoured a little but I will be back. I am back.