S e c o n d

We’ve now safely entered into the second month of 2015. This is not the month of thanksgiving. But I cannot help but have such gratifying thanks to whose who have shown me in the past year what it means to be a parent, a sibling, a husband, a relative, an acquaintance, or a passerby. You’re (un)knowing participation has enriched my life to no bounds. Knowing that not 365 days ago I was commuting daily in a wheel chair in the snow to NYU langone to be treated with radiation to the brain makes being alive special. It makes every day feel worthy of a celebration. Not just of life; of our bond as human beings. Of how we were meant to have these minute connections with one another. Of how some minute connections blossom into something perhaps more meaningful. Even those that wilt away still linger deep within our hearts. Thank you for those life long connections and chance encounters. I am ready for more.